Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hold on to your BUTTS !!!!!

"Philly Fanatics" and the confusion that ensues:

Flip flopping on Smoking Ban:

Just how long are we to continue the big debate about Smoking Bans? There seems to be no end ..... BUTT .... there always was a glaring solution.

Instead of violating the NON-smokers civil rights by allowing those dastardly nicotine addicts to jeopardize their health, or conversely, depriving addicts like me, my constitutional right to smoke since the first peace-pipe was offered, BAN the growing of tobacco. Is that so (Bleeping) difficult? Why for Petes’ sake can’t we just screw the tobacco growers all together. (Bleep) any constitutional rights they may have. Besides, probably a good portion of the
NON-smoking posse more than likely want to legalize Marijuana, and that would be great, a simple crop switch. Second hand smoke produced in that environment wouldn’t generate half as much constant bellyaching (Bleeping) whining and complaining.

Why, .... even some Doctors are recommending the use of grass for medicinal purposes. That’s working out real well in California. The Left Coasters have a good handle on the problem and we should follow suit.

The tobacco growers must be suffering huge loss’ anyway with all the existing and emerging bans plus all the compensation monies paid out to the states. Those billions were put to good use to help people resist the temptation to smoke. All three commercials I viewed certainly impressed me. Those 20 second commercials are expensive.

As I recall, some health insurer’s also took a healthy bite out of Joe Camels butt. I suppose that’s the main reason there’s been such a (Bleeping) dramatic drop in health insurance premiums. Who the (Bleep) is kidding who?

Isn’t there one single politician with enough testosterone to behead the (Bleeping) camel? Quit blowing all this smoke up my (Bleep) about BANS, BANS, and more BANS. Get on the (Bleeping) "BAN WAGON", heed to the demands of your constituents and give them the freedom to focus on banning burgers and sodas and a whole raft of other stuff.

Eventually, the only remaining threat will be Kryptonite ....

Why not re-tool Marlboro country (save all those jobs), grow some good Weed (is everybody happy?) and let Friscos' Cheech & Chong do the politicking.


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