"SOLD" .... to the lowest bidder
Icemans Rep goes to settlement:
Buyer, Realtor (buyers), Realtor (Icemans), Lawyer (buyers),
Title Company Drone (nobodys)..... the whole group shows up for the
big showdown settlement. Iceman never goes to settlements ... might shoot buyer for some reason or other. Buyer arrives in a limo ..... WOW EEEE..
very impressive. This "Bleepers" loaded.
DRONE: Got your check? Certified? Gotta be certified.
BUYER: I’m not payin for that broken hinge on the door. Whole place
is fallin apart. Knock off 2 grand and I’ll think about it.
ICEMANS REP: OK. Sounds fair to me.
BUYER: There’s a crack in the driveway. That’s 10 grand if it’s a dime.
ICEMANS REP: All right. My clients dumb enough to go for that.
BUYER: Whatta ya gonna do about that leaky faucet in the kitchen?
ICEMANS REP: How about an extra 4 thou.
BUYER: I guess ya got me over a barrel.
Drone: Now that everthings fair and square, let’s cut some checks.
Certified check to Lawyer, one to the Buyers Realtor, one
to the Icemans Rep, Transfer Tax, and our cut of course.
Ya know it’s not easy listening to a bunch of morons day
in and day out. OK!!!! All certified. Were good to go.
ICEMANS REP: Hey!!! How bout my guys check?
DRONE: Woops. We’ll mail it tomorrow first thing.
ICEMANS REP: Certified?
DRONE: We don’t issue certified checks. You don’t trust us?
ICEMANS REP: Why can’t you stick it in the mail today?
DRONE: I hafta deposit my check and I don’t wanna miss
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